Friday, June 7, 2013


Our exchange family recommended that we go to a supermarket about two miles away over a couple of bridges. Marianne noticed that it was only an additional 10 miles to drive to Marken, one of the former islands in the Zuidersee.

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The island was connected to the mainland by a causeway / dike in 1957.

Marken was separated from the mainland by a storm surge in the 13th century. The long period of isolation from the mainland resulted in the preservation of old style houses and traditional costumes including clogs.

There are numerous small canals crossing the island and of course, bridges crossing over them that can be raised if necessary.

Parking in the town does not appear to be allowed except for residents with stickers. There is a large lot for visitors that cost us 5 euros. We wandered into the village armed with a pamphlet with a much too small map. It was virtually useless.

The first thing you notice is the dark green paint used on most of the older houses. The exceptions are painted with a much darker green that almost appears to be black.

Not every flower thrives in the Netherlands. These pansies had definitely wilted.

We did not see anybody in clogs or traditional costume. No doubt they come out on the weekend for the tourists.

The green and white is quite effective. We wondered if the town had rules about using the proper shade of green.

The Civic Association Police would have been after the owner of this property, the only one that seemed to be neglected.

Marianne and Clare were amused by these things made out of plastic beads. Robin used to make these when she was young. You put the beads together in the appropriate pattern and then apply an iron that melts them together. Apparently Robin still wants to keep her old beads.

We wandered down narrow passageways.

Finials. They also are popular on houses in Adelaide in Australia.

We eventually found the tiny harbour.

Not all of the island is occupied by houses. Just a few yards away from the town are fields.

Magnificent wooden ship.

We took a back way to get to the local church and went through a section of the town with more modern buildings.

The church steeple in the distance.

Fortunately there were not too many other people around so it was very pleasant to stroll around the empty back streets and lanes.

The cat guarding the bridge.

Today our exchange family drives down from Newark NJ to our house. They will be greeted by Catty-watty (Honey) who will no doubt tell them a thing or two. This cat did not have much to say but scurried past.

Admit it, you would not expect this to be the door to a church.

Inside the church. They had model boats suspended above the pews.

We figured that we had seen most of what there was to see so we wandered over some more bridges back to the parking lot.

The drive back went along side a dike with a bicycle path on top. A class of students were riding along the top. They sounded happy which is to be expected if you are not in a classroom.

We drove through the village of Durgerdamm which is quite long. The road is very narrow which makes for constant stopping to give cars moving in the opposite direction room to pass.

Maybe we will come back and take a further look at this place.

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