Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Algeciras is the closest big town to Gibraltar. After I checked in at the hotel and had a short siesta, I decided to go for a stroll around.

I noticed on the map that there was a lane I could walk along to the town area where I would avoid traffic.


Notice how clean the streets are.

Before leaving the hotel, I checked out the eating situation and Trip Advisor recommended a tapas place called La Casita which got rave reviews for good food, friendly service and low prices. By chance I happened to wander down a lane and came across it. Since I was feeling thirsty and a bit hungry, I went in and almost immediately had a glass of beer in my hand.

The dish on the left had really good calamari and the other was some sort of fried seafood pancake.

I sat at a barrel like this one.

A couple at another table ordered this and since I was still hungry I got one as well. It turned out to be strips of pork on potato with a very tasty, spicy sauce. Delicious! Two beers and the food cost about 12 euros. The waiters spoke some English and were very friendly and energetic.

All the streets were very quiet because it was siesta time.

I am looking forward to going to Gibraltar tomorrow.

More of the grounds at the hotel. I had a longer nap when I got back to the hotel and I suspect the nervous tension of the delayed ferry ride finally caught up with me. No doubt that is one of the benefits of going on a good tour with a good tour guide who solves all the problems.

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