Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Boat ride on the lake at Bariloche

There is a lot to do in the Bariloche are if you are active and enjoy hiking, trekking and various winter sports. For the sedentary people, the boat ride on the lake is recommended.

Group of tourists huddled outside the tourist office waiting for the bus. It's about a 45-minute ride to where the boat leaves. As the boat heads west, it enters a National Park.

The lake is called Nahuel Huapi and was created by a glacier.

The lake is over 1400 feet deep.

The boat is a catamaran. 

Passengers get off the boat and are allowed to stroll around for a couple of hours. I strolled for a little and had a cup of coffee at the hotel cafe.

The hotel, the Pueto Blest. Some of the passengers then boarded a bus that took them to Chile which is only a few miles away.

It's all quiet and beautiful.

On the way back we got a closer view of this cleft in the hillside. Presumably, there would be water gushing down after heavy rain.  It's a pretty ride and it's a full day's activity.

A few miles north lies the Residencia Inalco, the supposed secret residence of Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun after WWII. According to this theory, they did not die in the bunker.

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