Thursday, March 16, 2017

Morning boat ride at Varanasi

We rose early at 6 am to take the morning boat ride at 6:30.

Lining up to get on the boat. The ride cost about $3.

Unbridled enthusiasm! Why am I not in bed at this ungodly hour?

We headed out and the dawn was just thinking of peering through the mist.

The boat is powered with an old diesel and we gradually chugged down stream.

The ghats were relatively deserted.

It was all calm and serene. Perhaps a little cool with the slight wind off the water.

Johanna spouting some bilge water.

It was interesting to see the virtually deserted ghats which were so busy the night before.

One of the burning ghats. Nothing going on at this time of day.

The sun finally makes an appearance.

On the right of the photo is another of the burning ghats. Most boats stopped for the sunrise.

Eventually we headed back upstream.

Somebody swimming in the river. With all the filth and pollution in the water you would need to have a very thorough shower when you emerged.

One of the offerings. Those are usually released at sunset.

An odd little boat that reminds me of primitive reed boats from Europe.

The sun was now well and truly up.

We landed. It had been a very calm and serene ride and I was glad I made the effort to get up early.

Most of us went to a cafe near our hotel called the Open Hand. They serve that most rare of commodities in India, a decent coffee.

My cappuccino.

Happy enjoys a chai.

I even ordered the eggs, fruit and toast. At the end of the trip I need a bit more variety than Indian and this is the place to get it.

Even more critically, the place has a decent internet connection unlike that of the hotel. There were lots of people there all day catching up. If I were Intrepid I would be doing more to encourage better internet in their hotels. Most are fine or adequate but a few such as the hotel in Varanai are terrible.

As I came out of the cafe I noticed the sign posts.

A piece of railway line.

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