Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Maryborough Open Gardens 2021 - garden 4

 We drove about a mile to the next garden in a newer area of town. Maryborough is relatively compact so it never takes more than 10 minutes to get anywhere. 

They like palm trees. Note the shade cloth to help keep the house cooler in summer.

A modest house, probably from the late 50's or 60's.

The blocks of land are usually large in Maryborough, but this is a narrow block between two large blocks.

This was a garden that was quirky and quite a change from the prior gardens.

The back verandah shaded from the northerly sun.

Plants everywhere.

I would have said 'trespassers will be eaten by worms'.

We regularly watch the gardening TV program on Friday evenings and if there is one characteristic of real gardeners, it's that there is always room for even more plants.

I expect that most of the plants would be Australian natives that suit the local climate. Traditional European plants have fallen out of favour because of their greater water requirements. Droughts are common in Oz and there are usually watering restrictions in Summer.

Unusual addition to a garden.

Tillie was somewhat concerned about all the visitors invading the garden.

I bet there have been plenty of enjoyable dinners around that table.

The Mexican side alley.

The Tequila table. Personally, I am not too enthused about the stuff.

It was a fun garden to visit and quite different. 


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