Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Aviary at Maleny Gardens

 We had been told to turn up at 11:30 for our tour of the aviary.

At 11:30 a young lady came out and gave us instructions about going into the aviary. The birds can land on you and also bite on occasion. Carrying a blue brush can deter the birds and I took one.

Inside the first chamber.

I am no birdwatcher so I cannot identify the birds. Just enjoy looking at them.

I seem to remember this bird is Chinese. Many of the birds are 'rescue birds'.

This is Queensland where the virus has basically disappeared. Consequently, nobody wears masks and there is little social distancing.

Our group leader in the blue shirt at the right.

See what happens when you don't have a blue brush.

Yes, there is poo.

Our tour leader told us that this was a recent 'rescue' arrival and could not yet be placed in the next chamber where there were more of this specie.  They would attack this bird.

They look like an old married couple.

A peacock.

That tail is magnificent.

We were warned that some birds like to attack the button on the top of caps.

The tattoo on the arm matches the bird.

Yep! The bird got the button.

Just before we left, I got the treatment.

The guide said that one of the birds was over 80 years old and some of them can reach 130 years of age. So if you decide to get certain species you need to have a succession plan for when you kick the bucket.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures and beautiful birds. I envy your COVID statistics in Queensland. Things are a mess here in the U.S.
