It's about five kilometers from Pialba to Point Vernon at the northern end of
Hervey Bay and it's quite different to the southern half of the bay.
The path to the beach at Pialba which used to be the most important town at Hervey bay. It still is because the 'strip' is just outside town on the road to Maryborough, but essentially, the old part of town is dead.
The tide was in so the beach was narrow.
A water park. It was closed but looked inviting.
This caravan park has always been popular in winter and it still is.
The pathway goes past the caravan park on the way to Point Vernon.
I really like the leaves on these bushes which my mother grew on either side of our front gate in Maryborough. My sister sent me a message saying that it is a Fijian fire bush (
Acalypha wilkesiana ).
The beach heading north.
An interesting tale about the above three photos. I asked a council worker what was the story behind the poisoning. She indicated by a quick nod that somebody in the block of units on the right poisoned the trees and bushes on the foreshore to open up the view. May that person rot in hell.
The interesting part of the beach on this walk is the lack of sand for most of it. The underlying rock is exposed and in parts, mangroves are growing.
Playgrounds for children are so interesting in Oz. Sometimes I wish I was five again.
I found this house interesting fore the curved roof and also the sign below.
Some who view this will immediately think 'Gabs and Bags', an inside joke.
Wattle, the national flower. Winter is usually the best time to see it in Oz.
The vegetation is constantly changing along the foreshore.
Finally, the small park just before Point Vernon.
The rocks at the Point.
There is some sand at the Point, but it is very course and not the squeaky fine sand at the southern end of the bay.
The fallen leaves.
There is a boat launching ramp.
Of course, some are more serious than others.

And you have to wonder about a sign like this one.